Elsa de Romeu blog vérité libre géopolitique
being falling in love

The Unmissable Signs someone is falling for you
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” Falling for someone new is easy to do. Expressing ourselves is a challenge.
From subtle glances, to a natural flow of communication – there are so many ways we tell someone that we’re really growing to care for them.
Often, though, we rely on these signs alone & forget to express ourselves outright with words.
Do you find yourself talking on the phone for hours ?
Or going out of your way to help one another ?
When we fall for someone, we can’t help but to put ourselves out there & extend ourselves toward them.
Noticing these signs, you have to take action or risk losing that relationship altogether.
If someone in your life has fallen for you, you need to stop running from the truth.
Whether you plan on building a relationship or maintaining the friendship you share, you’ve got to do some self-exploration & take some committed action.
By leaving yourselves in limbo, you’ll find the foundations of your current relationship crumbling in awkwardness & tension.
You both have to embrace your feelings honestly, then bring them to the surface with one another candidly.
So many of us undervalue the importance of natural chemistry & overlook it in the people closest to us.
This chemistry occurs when we just fit right in with someone. ”
Being Zen

A la manière Zen, paradoxale & sans certitude, sur le Mental & sa disparition ~
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” Nous sommes si souvent les passants pressés par notre mental, si conditionnés par nos réflexes de pensées, par nos préjugés & nos jugements perpétuels lancés à la face du monde & à la gueule de l’autre.
Notre mental, souvent + préoccupé de ses ruminations, ses remémorations, ses anticipations & ses rêveries, passe souvent à côté d’incroyables beautés.
Nous allons, vite, le + vite possible, sans sentir nos pas, nos pieds, notre corps tout entier se mouvoir & être caressé par le vent qui nous enveloppe.
Et pourtant, un regard bien veillant est là, celui d’une conscience aimante, attentive, bienveillante.
Notre cœur est un grand sage. Malgré les coups qu’on lui porte, peut-être même à cause des coups qu’on lui porte, il est là, à nous observer sans fin & sans impatience,
souffrant tout ce que nous souffrons, goûtant tout ce que nous goûtons, aimant + encore tout ce que nous aimons. ”