Elsa de Romeu blog vérité libre géopolitique
Rome Uropia O Morte Le Ceneri del Heliodoro

Uropia O Morte
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” The song, like the rest of the album, is inspired by Gabriele D’annunzio & his military action to conquer Fiume, to create the Free State of Fiume (1919-1920).
Italy lost a lot of lives during World War I, in which D’Annunzio fought,
but Italy’s role was dismissed when Europe gathered to assign the spoils of war.
Italy’s ownership of Fiume was not recognized because other European powers & the US imposed their will
& this created a lot of discontent in Italy, the myth of “Vittoria mutilata” – amputated victory.
This feeling is what pushed Italy towards Fascism & Germany & was later one of the main causes of WWII.
D’annunzio organized an almost suicidal mission with a group of soldiers & conquered Fiume, reigning between 1919-1920, against the will of of Europe & never being recognized by Italy :
Uropia is likely a mixed-up of Europa & Utopia, the dream of a fair Europe that never existed.
The whole album is pretty much about this : the feeling of resentment & not being represented & protected by Europe & how it can create feelings that then turn into fascism. ”
That mirrors what’s happening now in Europe. ”

Israël enfouit Gaza sous un tapis de bombes
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“Depuis une dizaine de jours, l’armée du régime de Tel Aviv bombarde Gaza & toutes les nuits, le ciel au-dessus des 2 millions de Palestiniens vivant dans cette enclave coupée du monde flamboie.
Ils sont certes habitués, depuis le blocus institué en 2007 pour les punir d’avoir voté pour le Hamas, à subir des interruptions de courant régulières.
Mais l’actuelle restriction à 3 H d’électricité par jour leur est particulièrement pénible en plein été sous le feu constant de l’ennemi.”