Elsa de Romeu blog vérité libre géopolitique
catacombs of paris

11 interesting facts about the Catacombs of Paris …
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” The Catacombs of Paris have been used for various purposes, but one of the strangest might be the cultivation of mushrooms.
A story suggests that the Napoleonic army hid in the catacombs & discovered that it had the perfect environment for growing mushrooms.
Several farmers followed them & started growing mushrooms amid the corpses of over 6 million people.
The said practice still exists & it is widely believed that the catacomb mushrooms have an exceptional taste.
Paris was the largest city in Europe back in the 17th century. Its cemeteries were overpopulated ; residents would complain of overpowering odours of decomposing corpses.
Hence, the Parisian authorities decided to move the corpses from the cemeteries to the Tombe-Issoire quarries.
The process of transferring all the remains took 12 years to complete !
The catacombs became a hideout for various cults back in the early 2000s.
The authorities discovered a massive cinema room equipped with a screen, equipment & a restaurant. ”

The Eye of Horus & its deeply rooted Connection to Medicine, Myth & Art in Egypt
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” Egypt’s Eye of Horus represents a haunting tale of betrayal, royalty, murder & loss.
The Eye of Horus is also known as Wadjet & Udjat.
People generally associate it with healing, power & survival.
Thousands of people all over the globe still don its amulets around their necks to shield themselves from the unforeseeable evil or future.
It is believed that the eye belonged to Horus who was the son of Osiris & Isis.
He lost his eye while battling his uncle, Set.
Set started a dispute when Osiris ascended the throne & became the king of Egypt.
Set could not endure this & brutally murdered his brother.
It is said that Osiris’ wife, Isis, was pregnant with Horus when her husband was assassinated. ”
Nazca Spider Lines

10 Curiosities you probably didn’t know about Peru’s 2,000-year-old Nazca Lines
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” One of the Nazca geoglyphs is believed to be an anamorphic diagram of the constellation Orion.
One of the more mysterious lines at Nazca are the 300 geometric designs consisting of rectangles, wavy lines, trapezoids, zig-zags, triangles, arrows & spirals.
There are also a great variety of stylized illustrations of plants, a humanoid figurine & animals such as the condor, spider, monkey, the humanoid figurine known as the astronaut, trees, hands & the hummingbird,
In Erich von Däniken’s book titled, “Chariots of the Gods,” the author believed that the Nazca lines were made by aliens who use the mystery lines as landing strips. ”
Cuties - Netflix

Rampant Pedophilic & Satanic symbolism & prompting in the Mass Media
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“Netflix posters keep ending up in SPOTM because that company is an elite propaganda machine.
But this month, Netflix outdid itself in its depravity. This is the official poster of the movie Cuties.
It consists of scantily clad 11-year-old girls in a variety of provocative positions, including one that is outright twerking.
The agenda of sexualizing minors is in full force.”
alison carey

Mariah Carey’s sister accuses Mother of Abuse during Satanic Rituals
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“Mariah Carey’s estranged sister Alison Carey filed a lawsuit against their mother as she accuses her of sexual abuse in the context of satanic rituals which also included ritual sacrifices.
In the document filed in February 2020, Alison accuses her mother Patricia of allowing & encouraging adult men to ‘engage in sexual acts’ when she was just 10 years old. Furthermore, she claims that she was also forced to watch other youngsters being abused ‘during middle-of-the-night satanic worship meetings that included ritual sacrifices’.
Patricia Carey, who is now 83 years old, is a former singer with the Metropolitan Opera.”
Profanation cimetiere

Pyrénées : de la sorcellerie africaine derrière la profanation du cimetière
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“Nous évoquions la profanation massive d’un cimetière chrétien dans les Pyrénées, dans l’indifférence médiatique.
Les coupables ont été arrêtés.
Il s’agit de 2 hommes âgés de 23 et 24 ans, «déjà connus défavorablement» par les forces de l’ordre, c’est-à-dire des racailles.
Ces 2 hommes issus du continent noir ont agi dans le cadre d’un rituel de sorcellerie africaine, sur injonction d’un marabout vivant au Mali.”