Elsa de Romeu blog vérité libre géopolitique
Fantasia - Night on Bald Mountain

Fantasia, Night on Bald Mountain : Mind Control over the Crowd
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” The Devil scene from Walt Disney’s 1940 “Fantasia” movie.
A fitting representation of the Nightmare that 2020 has been.
This clip is especially fitting because you may notice how the Devil doesn’t really do anything bad during the whole scene.
He summons Ghosts and Demons, they scream, they fly, they dance,
but they don’t touch anything, don’t harm anyone.
Evil is a characteristic of our Mind :
we Create Evil and we Suffer its Consequences because we believe in our own Creation.
Perhaps we could hear Bells dispelling Evil in 2021,
as it happens in the movie at 5:40 ?
Maybe, but it is also possible that we’ll create even worse Ghosts than anything seen in 2020. ”