Elsa de Romeu blog vérité libre géopolitique
UN agenda 2030 leading force Covid

UN Agenda 30 is the driving force behind COVID-19 & the Police State
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“UN agenda 30 is a global plan designed by the ruling class to gain centralized control over Earth’s resources & populations under a one world government. The plan existed for decades & is in full execution at breakneck speed since 2020.
The goal of UN agenda 30 is to transform global society into a Technocracy under the guise of Sustainable Development by 2030.
The end result would be a High-Tech Slave system, impossible to escape, so let’s make sure it never comes to fruition !
All countries of the world are members & donate tax money to UN.
The SDGs trickle down hierarchically from UN, to federal governments & local governments.
Meaning in all likelihood, your city & major are executing programs in context of SDGs.
COVID-19 plays an important role in pushing these agendas through.
In a technocracy, all resources of the planet are hooked onto & managed by a Control Grid. Resources include food, water, land, construction, animals & people.
Products & living beings can be tracked with Microchips, Geo-location, RFID sensors & 5G. Fluids, gas & electricity throughput can be counted with Smart Meters.
The Smart Grid knows exactly what, when, where & how much you use.
Your access to basic resources for survival could be cut off for not testing or vaccinating for COVID-19,
or simply because you voice criticism against the state.
The technocrats want a fully Digital Money system, linked to identity & health data via Blockchain.
The best way to achieve that is to completely destroy the old system.
The World Economic Form (WEF) calls it The Great Reset. ”

Les Statistiques détournées du Covid mettent à mal la Démocratie & les Libertés !
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” Nous, citoyens, ne voulons pas d’une gouvernance liberticide & autoritaire, ni d’une société anxiogène & divisée.
Où est passée notre liberté ?
La liberté de mouvement, de vivre sans peur, de mourir dignement & entouré des siens, de choisir de respirer sans masque & tout simplement de vivre librement (réunions familiales, culture, sport, de rendre visite à ses aînés).
Des centaines de milliers d’emplois sont menacés et des Milliards de Francs dépensés.
Des dizaines de milliers de personnes supplémentaires vivent dans la précarité.
Des nombreux jeunes sont déscolarisés & désocialisés.
Nos médias pratiquent une couverture alarmiste & biaisée, sans égard à toute proportionnalité.
Le débat est censuré ou jugé comme incivique, égoïste & complotiste.
Les sceptiques sont accusés de vouloir risquer la mort d’autrui, alors que l’anxiété, la dépression & les suicides augmentent. ”